Welcome to Raven API

The RESTful API for Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon.

Raven API is a public, read-only resource built for developers to access data from Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon.

It contains all the statistics for weapons, frame parts, and other equipment in the game.


The most important aspect of any Armored Core game is the ability to customize your AC. I couldn't find a single source of truth for all the parts and weapons in the game, so I decided to build one.

My goal is to provide a resource that empowers other developers to build tools and services for the AC community.

Getting started



Understand how to work with paginated responses.

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Read about the different types of errors returned by the API.

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Need help or have questions? Support is available here.

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Want to get involved? Learn how to contribute here.

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Learn about the contact model and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list contacts.


Learn about the conversation model and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list conversations.


Learn about the message model and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list messages.


Learn about the group model and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list groups.

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